What is the ticker symbol for Youngevity International, Inc.?

Youngevity International, Inc.’s common stock is quoted on the Expert Market under the symbol “YGYI”.
Youngevity International, Inc.’s preferred stock, series D is quoted on the Expert Market under the symbol “YGYIP”.

What is Youngevity International, Inc.'s CUSIP Number?

Youngevity International, Inc.’s CUSIP Number for its common stock is 987537206
Youngevity International, Inc.’s CUSIP Number for its preferred stock, series D is 987537305

Who is the Investor Relations contact for Youngevity International, Inc.?

Who is the transfer agent for Youngevity International, Inc.?

Pacific Stock Transfer Company
6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Suite 300
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Phone: 702-361-3033
Fax: 702-433-1979

Who is the Public Accountant for Youngevity International, Inc.?

MaloneBailey LLP
10370 Richmond Avenue, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77042
Phone: 713-343-4286

Who is the legal counsel for Youngevity International, Inc.?

Blank Rome LLP
1271 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Phone: 212-885-5000

How can I buy Youngevity International, Inc. stock?

Youngevity International, Inc.’s stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or financial institution that offers brokerage services, or through the stock purchase service of your choice.

Does Youngevity International, Inc. offer a direct investment program?

No. Youngevity International, Inc. does not have a direct purchase plan. Shares of Youngevity International, Inc. can be purchased through the stock purchase service of your choice.

When does Youngevity International, Inc.'s fiscal year end?

Youngevity International, Inc.’s fiscal year end is December 31.

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